HR StreetWorks
Mission Statement
Our mission is to produce unique high quality products for the global custom car builder.
To achieve this we will strive to deliver honest marketing, quality products and outstanding customer service in an environment where every team member is appreciated and valued.
Perhaps you noticed the statement is for HR StreetWorks. Our legal name is in fact HR StreetWorks,LLC (The new company.) We are registered to do business as Watson’s StreetWorks. This all happened in November 2012. Steve & Carol Watson had spent 25 years building a great company with an even greater reputation among the custom car builder community. In early 2012 they decided it was time to start taking it a bit slower.
The more I looked into the business the more I liked what I saw, great products, loyal customers, and a well-organized operation. The sale of the business went through in November 2012. After an extensive training period we packed up the business and moved in to Nashua, NH where we have doubled the space to be ready for future growth.
A bit about myself. As a kid I would hang out in the pits while my Dad raced sports cars. I’ve been a car guy ever since. In my younger days I had an assortment of sports cars, beetles and VW buses. Then it was family time and my driving days were full of boring sedans and mini vans. When it was time for a project car again my memories of driving rag tops hadn’t faded and neither had my memory of constantly fighting rust. So I chose to build a Cobra replica. I now have over 105,000 miles on her and enjoy working on it almost as much as I do driving it.
Early jobs included parts counter time at a NAPA store and a dealership. Then came many years of owning or operating small businesses in catalog marketing, light manufacturing and services industries. When I saw the Watson’s operation I knew I had found the perfect match for my skills and my interests.