Push Button LED Switch Panel

Please call us with your needs and we will make your custom switch panel for you.  Virtually any configuration imaginable within our panel sizes are possible from momentary to standard toggle.

These switches can not currently be purchased online at this time due to there being way too many options available.  Push Button Panels with LED’s.  Dimensions are the same as Push Button Panels.  Your choice of Red, Green, Blue or Amber LED’s.  We can also do manual and self-canceling turn signal kits with or without LED’s for turn and/or high beam indicators.

Give us a call today!



Please call us with your needs and we will make your custom switch panel for you.  Virtually any configuration imaginable within our panel sizes are possible from momentary to standard toggle.

These switches can not currently be purchased online at this time due to there being way too many options available.  Push Button Panels with LED’s.  Dimensions are the same as Push Button Panels.  Your choice of Red, Green, Blue or Amber LED’s.  We can also do manual and self-canceling turn signal kits with or without LED’s for turn and/or high beam indicators.

Give us a call today!


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